Do what is hard not what is easy when it comes to our kids.

Some topics are hard. We love our babies. All of us and each in our own way. Some we spoil to a fault, some we dish out tough love, others have a hot mix of different styles and added in there is the grandparents element which has all their own generation of methods and etc too. The kid has to navigate all your differences and attempt to beat the system. Worse, all of you think you know better…think you love the kid more and none of you are communicating or have a plan. It will not go well. Through it all, the varying styles you each try or are just plain winging it,,..there must be a method to the madness. You must set ground rules, and prepare cake or the penalty. No ifs, no whats, no buts. No…just today lah daddy let you stay home cos daddy can just work from home…its fine…or mummy will buy you that toy even though you did not earn it yet…just this once. All it takes is for a kid to oh say flip his bowl by accident and you ...