The USS Learning finally sails into Damansara Utama !

 Our new sails are here and we are super excited!  These sails will time in  the mornings and even in the noon hours which can be challenging. We are getting a face lift with brand new kindergarten playground equipment coming in next! 

In just a year after the  dreadful MCO we are seeing a huge revival at the daycare and inspired by our fearless leader CEO Michael Lui, we are sailing strong into the year. 

We are a landmark to be seen from the highway from both sides of the Damansara Utama and the Damansara Jaya divide.  Now entering the 40th year of our operation we are  looking ahead and updating all our facilities to represent the times. 

Stay tune as we forge ahead in the year to come and more changes to

#taska #tadika #kindergarten #learningsteps #taskadamansara #preschool 

#prasekolah #damansarautama  #damansarajaya #ttdi #damansarakim #bandarutama 

@damansaraytama @taskadamansarautama blog  Taska Damansara Utama blog  please find us on Facebook and Instagram as well. 


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