
Learning 2.0 Our Smartboards have arrived!

 Give us time to learn it and prep lessons for it. It will integrate with our iPads, smartphones and laptops!  we are super excited to bring this tech in for the children! Stay tune for more!  Learning is a constant at Taska Damansara Utama !  Improving and upgrading the experience is everything!  #taska #radika #daycare #childcare #learningstepsb

Sleepy Baby? When and how much sleep? You need to know this parents. Hear us out.

  Often times,     we get this same ole question.     it’s one of those questions that I believe most parents already know the answer to, but they are almost afraid to confirm it as it involves some feelings of guilt haha.   That question is….. How many hours should their kid or kids sleep and what time should the littles get to bed. They are almost always sheepish when they bring up this subject and I think we all know why.  My answer here may differ from many Internet articles but it is entirely based on my observation of our kids at the daycare. The amount of sleep your child needs is a simple question actually. The recommended hours are between 10 to 12 hours a night.    But the reasons why the parents are asking are never simple. Sometimes it is even heartbreaking.  Some parents work strange hours, other parents work very late hours and this translates to them not having much time with their kids. So when they finally get home the k...

Comes the Summer. Comes the New Teachers Yin and Lau. Welcom

 Twenty five years ago I made the decision to teach. I have not regretted it once in all that time.   There has been sleepless nights of toil and worry. Moments of self doubt and hard hitting slugs to the heart when we fail to rise to the occasion…. but all throughout I have never  ever despaired going to work and  or coming to work ! To be surrounded by kindred spirited teachers and above all…. spending time with  the sunshines of our world, the littles that we call our students and love as if they were our own… makes this the best job in the world.  Whenever we bring on new teachers, even after selecting them from a pile  of candidates I find myself always hoping and wishing that here amongst them will be found a diamond in the rough.  Maybe I am being too hopeful and too optimistic but this time I am indeed very hopeful that the new teachers that we have engaged will  indeed grow into and blossom into potentially  the best teachers we...

The USS Learning finally sails into Damansara Utama !

 Our new sails are here and we are super excited!  These sails will time in  the mornings and even in the noon hours which can be challenging. We are getting a face lift with brand new kindergarten playground equipment coming in next!  In just a year after the  dreadful MCO we are seeing a huge revival at the daycare and inspired by our fearless leader CEO Michael Lui, we are sailing strong into the year.  We are a landmark to be seen from the highway from both sides of the Damansara Utama and the Damansara Jaya divide.  Now entering the 40th year of our operation we are  looking ahead and updating all our facilities to represent the times.  Stay tune as we forge ahead in the year to come and more changes to #taska #tadika #kindergarten #learningsteps #taskadamansara #preschool  #prasekolah #damansarautama  #damansarajaya #ttdi #damansarakim #bandarutama  @damansaraytama @taskadamansarautama blog  Taska Damansar...

Happy New Year Everyone!

 Seasons greetings and all our love to all our parents and littles. We had field trips, petting zoos, study camp and Xmas parties all happening one after the other..l…its been a whirlwind!  Taska Damansara Utama is the choice for the Taska Near You  n Childcare Near You!  Taska Damansara Utama is forging ahead this year and expanding the activities, events and programs that were mothballed during the MCO. We are starting fresh and going strong in 2024! Stay tune everyone! #taska #kindergarten #learningsteps #childcare  sdamansarautama