Comes the Summer. Comes the New Teachers Yin and Lau. Welcom

 Twenty five years ago I made the decision to teach. I have not regretted it once in all that time.   There has been sleepless nights of toil and worry. Moments of self doubt and hard hitting slugs to the heart when we fail to rise to the occasion…. but all throughout I have never  ever despaired going to work and  or coming to work ! To be surrounded by kindred spirited teachers and above all…. spending time with  the sunshines of our world, the littles that we call our students and love as if they were our own… makes this the best job in the world. 

Whenever we bring on new teachers, even after selecting them from a pile  of candidates I find myself always hoping and wishing that here amongst them will be found a diamond in the rough.  Maybe I am being too hopeful and too optimistic but this time I am indeed very hopeful that the new teachers that we have engaged will  indeed grow into and blossom into potentially  the best teachers we have ever seen.  From what we can see they are both great performers  though still unsure of themselves. 

In the past years we have been blessed with  our cadre of wonderful teachers, Cikgu Ain, Both of them. Cikgu Yaya and Cikgu Anim all rock steady and  strong veterans and  last not least their incredible lead and amazing  program director …our Indomitable  Teacher Grace. 

All of them mentored  by Madame Lui and  her son Teacher Michael.  Our incredible support staff headed by Qumariyah.  This dream team did not take a year or two to make, it’s the work of decades. 

Other great teachers have come and come, as their lives moved them elsewhere. 

Yet it is always exciting to see new faces and welcome them into the fold. We all wonder if they will love the job as we all came to and if they will find a better version of themselves once they have embraced teaching and what it represents. 

Teacher Lau aka Little Grace is fresh out of University and ready to rock. Teacher Yin has moved away from her home state and is embarking on this new journey here, but she has years of teaching already in her belt.  Its exciting to be that young and at the same time I remembered that with youth also came many challenges. Striking out on your own, learning to be independent, trying hard to make a difference yet without the knowledge or experience to help much.  Wanting to be confident yet second guessing everything….  So lets all be kind and gentle and welcome their arrival and give them room to grow and wheneber needed a little push in the right direction. 

Taska Damansara Utama and the Learning Steps Academy is now their second home. This is  happy place where  kids learn and grow , watched over by bigs that love them and always helping them to be better.  Its the best daycare in Damansara Utama , Petaling Jaya and beyond! 

#taska #tadika #kindergarten #preschool #petalongjaya #damansarautama #learningsteps #daycare #childcare


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