Are you a registered Taska/ Daycare? It might seem to be a bit ugh to ask this but it really could not be more important. The answer is a resounding = YES,, WE PROUDLY ARE!

 Malaysia  -  As modernised as we are as a nation, we have to admit to some degree that we as a nation ….well we are still pretty cowboy still.  A bit wild wild west here …where many Taskas remain illegal and u registered.  

Even in Damansara Utama, we find hidden taskas or those who were sold and lost their permits and still operating secretly and illegally.  These taskas often will close from one location and run to another. Dodging the law and accountability.  Not so for us as we are land ark institution here,  The first taska set up  over four decades ago here in  Damansara Utama, We moved only once to comply with the permit requirement detdecades  ago  that taskas had to be established on corner lots. 

When it comes to permits, licenses, regulatory stuff half the time there is no enforcement, the other half the time there could be shady corruptive practices or worse. 

You will be relieved to know that for a Taska to be registered, so much has to happen, so many stages of approvals that it is a herculean  in of itself to win and receive a permit. As it should be!  The lives of our beloved young require a  higher safety standard and JKM does an incredible nob doing so. 

Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia oversees compliance and permit approval.  Working in hand with Bomba for fire safety and Jabatan Kesihatan for Health and Cleanliness , these three bodies have to give you the green light before you get the permit.  

Space and square footage per infant or child is calculated, amount of staff, toilets, water storage, off site cooking ….on  and on it goes. 

Taska Damansara Itama is a registered permit holding centre and operating for 40 plus years now. 

Look and check for yourself at the govt JKM site.   Accept only registered taskas please do not send your child to an unregistered taskas and endanger your chil! 

#taska #tadika #childcare #daycare #kindergarten #preschool #prasekolah


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